So you've probably been wondering who this mysterious "Joe" character is, and what manner of beast would follow him to near-certain death for the sake of a challenge. Well ponder no longer friends, I've come to bare myself and my history, to boast of my indomitable companions, to test the timber of my heart, and to share with you the team i will soon be using to challenge the Elite 4 of Kanto.
While my first challenge ended ultimately in defeat, it refined me in a way that gave me the mettle to undertake this challenge again. I made powerful friends and allies that game, Friends like PBR the Pelliper, Red Dog the Mightyena, and Stout the Blaziken. Their sacrifices wont be forgotten.
But because of these legends, the next generation of Nuzlockers battle on, and these are the heroes I'm going to share with you today.

First off is Rowdy the Charizard. Named at birth after one of the most noble beings on our planet, he has lived up to his namesake's reputation time and time again. He has acted as a guardian to all new members of my team as they train to reach their potential. The most veteran of all my party, you would almost expect him to be wary of battle and the persistent aura of death that has surrounded him since the beginning of this challenge, but with unwavering persistence belied by his type, Rowdy has committed himself to seeing this through to the end, for better or for worse, to make good on the sacrifice of his fallen comrades.

2nd is Ben the Sandslash. Possessed of a will to win beyond his stats, Ben has been a part of the core of this team since Mount Moon. He has seen more death than any member of the team other than Rowdy, but he has been inspired by the stories of the champions who fell even before his time. The stories of the likes of Biscuit the Pikachu and Rocky the Spearow's noble sacrifices against Brock to help the team live on have given him his calling. Ben's knightly bearing shines brightest in times of despair, and he has rallied the team behind him in multiple times of near despair in order to save all who can be. Ben is fully willing to give his life so that no one else need fall in this challenge, and he will see this through to the end.

Next up is Widby the Victreebel. Widby proved himself as a teammate with his near sweep of misty way back for gym number 2. An unexpected ally in that I have never trained a victreebel before, Widby has exceeded expectations and worked to earn his spot in my elite 4 challenging team. His ferocity and dedication to the mission got him here despite not having a clear type advantage against any of the 4. Truly, this is a creature who has succeed because of his own grit.

Bear the Snorlax has yet to find a foe that can overcome him. He is unique in that his ultimate driving force during this challenge isn't devotion to the team or the glory of the League Challenge, though he has those in ample supply, but rather an unquenchable thirst to seek out the strongest opponents Kanto has to offer, and then pummel them in a manner befitting Youngster Joey's Rattata. His quest for a worthy adversary has left him wanting thus far, as he has single handedly taken out the likes of Giovanni, Sabrina, Koga and Blaine, and the best they could muster up against him. He is driven to these incredible feats not just by bloodlust, but by a heartfelt desire to ensure no one is lost needlessly. In a challenge where lives are at risk every day, no one is more suited to go toe-to-toe with the most dangerous enemies than Bear. Despite their intense training and incredible hearts, sometimes the unthinkable does happen, and if Bear can ensure safety for his team while simultaneously proving his superiority over the world's deadliest pokemon, mores the better.

Spike the Starmie is the most recent addition to the team, and as such has undertaken the most grueling training regime of all of them. Starting from humble origins, Spike has become a whirlwind of death that has been aimed at the heart of the elite 4 since day one. Still a rookie in the eyes of many of his teammates, Spike has pushed itself even harder in order gain the approval of the beings it sees as living legends. Only time will tell if all the intense training and effort poured into it will pay off, but today Spike is fearless and unwavering in his duty to defeat nuzlocke.

One final pokemon has not been revealed yet, and will be my secret weapon against the Elite 4. She has a long way to go until she is ready for the challenge but her eagerness is near boundless. The plan is to reveal her shortly before the battles begin. (Hint: its not pikachu).
Good luck all, show the world what it has made you into.
Joe you are a hero. Thank you for this chronicle. I love that picture of Bear. Please, let us know how it goes. I'm speaking for all of us when I say that we're all proud to see you come this far, and honored to consider ourselves your friend.