Edit: OH WAIT.
Turns out chimchar evolves, becomes part fighting and learns mach punch at level 14. GG NOOB. Antonio used his new might to crush Roark's first pokemon, a chumpy peon of a geodude, with a single, soul shattering blow. Next up was his onix, who put up significantly more of a fight. With the help of an obnoxious potion, he was able to use stealth rock, screech, and rock throw on Antonio before being laid low like the worm he is. If this were the namby-pamby red or blue versions, that would have been it. One geodude, one onix, boom. Rock gym over. However, this was not going to be so simple, as Roark had one more beast to throw at me, one that I had already learned to fear. Antonio was in a difficult situation. He was at just over half health, with severely lowered defenses, and any one he switched to would take super effective damage from the stealth rocks. Roark could see how the chips were falling as easily as Butternubs, and with a murderous gleam in his eye he sent out his most dangerous pokemon. The butt-sniffing cranidos. It knew that none could stand against it, save the ragged champion that stood before him. With a smirk it prepared itself for a merciless sweep.
But it was here that Roark made his fatal mistake. He very reasonably assumed that no one would leave their starter in such a dire situation. Most would have sacrificed any number of zubats or bidoofs to protect their beloved first partner, which usually only serves to stave off the inevitable. No, if this tyranny was going to end, it was going to end now.
"Butt-sniffer! Use pursuit as he tries to escape!"
"Antonio! Mach punch!"
"... wait, what?"
The crunch was the sound of Butt-sniffer's nose being sandwiched between Antonio's fist and its own walnut sized brain. This made thinking even harder for the already dull brute. Their lack of skill at this particular pass time has a lot to do with their modern day extinction. Reeling from the blow, it tried to reason out what was happening. No pokemon should have stayed in the game when it was so weakened. Counting on the opponent switching out and backstabbing them as they fled had been a tried and true strategy for countless previous battles. Had Antonio fled, the extra damage from the underhanded attack along with his lowered defense could have spelled his doom. But because he stood his ground, refusing to put any other teammates in danger, his nobility coupled with a resistance to dark attacks protected him better than Harry's mom could from an avada kadavra curse. Suddenly the tables had turned. Roark was left with a half dead pokemon, an exhausted potion supply, and no chance of moving a muscle before the finishing blow ended his gym leader streak. This dim light bulb of a realization was the last thing that meandered through butt-sniffer's brain before Antonio's fist sent his already crumbling nose careening through after it, severing his corpus callosum and further complicating his preexisting learning disorders.
His underhanded tactics thwarted, Roark had no choice to hand over the first badge To Sgt. R. Butternubs. His team of champions emerging from what at first seemed like sure defeat as conquering heroes. What lies next for the intrepid adventurers? Only time can tell.....
death b4 dishonor