It has begun. I traded my party over to my White version and started a Nuzlocke challenge on White 2. I started with a beautiful Oshawott named hey man. He is calm and valiant, and he hates to lose. Good thing he NEVER WILL.
Our first wild encounter was a Patrat. Hey man was so furious that he demolished it and ate it whole before I could reign him in. Okay, time to confess a secret... I could have stopped him. But I didn't.
We caught a Lillipup on the next route. Her name is come on but he could've been called General Chomp-Your-Skull-Off, because she is a hardy little bloodhound who likes to fight more than she likes her own mother.
Our first gym challenge was over in seconds as come on chomped Cheren's puny little normal-types into smithereens. Hey man sat by my side and watched, crossing his stubby little arms with satisfaction. His hands needed not be dirtied.
Route 20 is where it all got real. We were challenged to a battle by a nursery aide with a Dunsparce. A DUNSPARCE. Hey now was at half heath, so I switched him out, not expecting the Dunsparce to use PURSUIT for double damage. I wet my pants as hey man escaped with one hit point to spare, leaving only come on the Lillipup to take down this ridiculous titan. The Dunsparce immediately used rollout, the most fearsome of moves, as anyone who battled Whitney's Miltank in Gold/Silver will attest. Come on bit and bit, and the Dunsparce, unflinching and disgusting, kept rolling beefier. Finally come on chomped it in half, only bearing 5 HP to her name. Come on, hey man and I held each other close last night, more aware of the fleeting, precious nature of life than ever before.
Virbank city was no more difficult. Our wild encounter south of the city was a naughty little Magnemite by the name of whoa there, who is also highly persistent - a fine quality to have in a band of unstoppable champions. Whoa there is so persistent, in fact, that he decimated Roxie's party singlehandedly in a harbinger of things to come. Once more, hey there watched by my side in satisfaction. He is too good for this, you see.
Since then, hey now and come on have evolved into devastating, tyrannical versions of their former selves. Now we're ransacking Castelia City's battle company, a building full of pokemon trainers who wear suits, lose battles, and somehow make a profit???
My Dewott hates to lose. Until now, we have not lost... and nothing will stand in our way.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Saturday, January 19, 2013
These Galactic Commanders are going to be the death of me...
After the courageous battle with Roark, Nubs and co. set off with high spirits. Back tracking from Oreburgh the team traveled up to Floarama, meeting many new teammates along the way. With so many training opportunities afoot and no real dangerous foes at hand, the fledgling team was able to circulate some of the newer members through to see who had what it took to train with the good Sergeant. The cadet to come in head and shoulders above the rest was the ever-cool Champ the Buizel. As the only water type thus far Champ was an immediate standout, but his fantastic speed, large utility of attacks and confident demeanor solidified his spot on the team. Well trained and eager for the next stage of their journey, the team set off again after a few disappointing run ins with honey trees.
Not more than a few steps outside of town, the team came a cross a near hysterical girl whose father had been kidnapped by the insufferable vagabonds known as team Galactic. Never one to shy away from a heroic deed or a potential smack down, the Good Sergeant went on a warpath, decimating the undisciplined grunts in his way. At last he came face to face with Commander Mars, delinquency incarnate.
The battle started out similar to the others, Mars' zubat stood about as much chance as every other zubat Butternubs had faced thus far, but the Purugly was different. The plan was simple, Trist the Zubat flies out, confuses the target, returns, Antonio finishes it off. Beautiful in its simplicity. Trist executed her part perfectly, but before she was able to tag out, the grotesque and over-powered feline shook itself out of its stupor to land a single blow. Faint attack. Critical hit. Trist fainted. The team was shaken by its second death and after a quick cat thrashing at the hands of Antonio, the girl was reunited with her father and the team set off again, though not as spryly as before.
New catches were made along the way, though mostly wurmples and zubats, and these only seemed to serve as reminders of our fallen comrade. So the team arrived in eterna with no new members. The gym here was grass type, and with an evolved fire breathing monkey and murder-hawk, there wasn't much to report. After sweeping the gym, the team discovered a Galactic hideout behind some cleverly disguised twigs. It was time for some revenge. An oddly familiar warpath was cleaved through the misguided peons until once again, Nubs stood toe to toe with another Galactic Commander, Jupiter the Fartbreather. This showdown was eerily similar as well, and Butternubs realized too late just how similar it would be. Potts the Starly bravely led the charge against Jupiter's foul Skuntank, cowing the brute with his intimidate ability and growl, but his expert tactics couldn't prepare him for sheer, dumb luck. Night Slash. Critical hit. Potts fainted. And just like that, Galactic was ousted from Western Sinnoh, and Butternubs had lost two great allies and his team's two best fliers.
And so the team sets forth once again. The pain of lives snuffed too soon somewhat dulled by the lucky find of the incredibly goofy Gobles the Chingling and the less lucky Anex the Meditite. Gobles is too unseasoned to protect himself in battle now, but with the power of friendship (and surreptitiously farmed friendship increasing berries), he will God willing become a mighty Chimecho, a very uncommon nuzlocke team addition indeed.
Rest in peace Forrest, Trist and Potts. Your sacrifice will not be in vain.
Friday, January 18, 2013
Oh by the way, I (Paul) completed my first Nuzlocke in Soul Silver.
Yeah so that happened. This was many months ago. I was busy getting married and stuff, so I was a little preoccupied, but it was such a beautiful thing. We did it. We really, really did it. And I gotta say, it was such a thrill. Lots of pals were lost on the way, but the intrepid survivors fought bravely and triumphed, and are now spending their retirements in the most lavish PC box money can by in my White version. Granted, I have no idea how exactly I did it anymore, but trust me, these guys brought home the bacon.

Tadpole the Poliwhirl was, honestly, an accident. So many friends lost on the way, the sixth slot in my party was like a morbid speed date of wide-eyed newbies, doomed to be torn apart before they would ever know the glory of a gym victory. I caught ol' Tadpole after getting my eighth badge, knowing that someone would have to fill out my party. It was a good choice; with Belly Drum, Earthquake and Wake Up Slap, he knew how to put those goofy fists to use.

Pokeythang the Nidoqueen was tactical dynamite. Opening most fights with a double round of Toxic Spikes, and sporting defense out the wazoo, she was sure start every battle in our favor. A gentle giant, attacking wasn't her main dig, but with Crunch, Avalanche and Earth Power, she could wield an outrageous variety of typed attacks that ain't nobody gonna see coming. With her immunity to poison, she was instrumental in our victory against Koga. It's just a tragedy that Spikeything the Nidorino couldn't be there to see her succeed :(

Meet Raticate the Furret. Strategically named to throw his enemies off balance, she was the quick-striking, finishing-offing, speed demon of the bunch. Sucker Punch and U-Turn helped her avoid damage while Shadow Claw, along with her immunity to ghost attacks, made her the ultimate ghost killer. She was also a master of Attraction and espionage. Though her overbearing swagger made it hard for the rest of the team to deal with at times, having her in the fight made everyone feel that much safer.

Horse the Rapidash joined the party fairly late in the game, but with the speed and power of a falling piano and the killer instinct of a falling piano, he exceeded all expectations. Megahorn was crucial in defeating Will's psychic Pokemon, and strong fire and normal attacks made Horse an important asset in nearly every battle.

Vileplume the Jumpluff was so helpful, you guys. Though she may look like a cottonball, her light squishiness actually made her remarkably resilient. Sleep powder and leech seed paired well with U-turn, making her another excellent hit-and-run fighter. Paired with Raticate, these girls could tag-team just about anyone slower then them... which was everyone. Giga Drain helped her stay ship-shape throughout the battles. Grass/Flying is resistant to a surprising number of types - she was super useful in taking on Bruno's fighting and rock types, and none of the elite 4 could really handle her antics. Don't let anyone talk smack on Jumpluff, yall.

The death of Venusaur the Bayleef was very hard on me. We weren't sure we could go on. I had a few Pokemon that I was excited about, but none of them felt like a true partner. None of them really understood me. I didn't just need a warrior; I needed a friend. Then came Raichu the Ampharos like Gandalf over the hills to Helm's Deep. A quirky little guy, he fought a balanced fight, casting Light Screen to protect the party while putting his tremendous sp. attack to use with moves like Discharge, Focus Blast and Signal Beam. His staticy body stopped many an assailant in their tracks. He was proud of his power, and I was too. Thank you Bulbasaur for giving me the hope I so desperately needed to forge ahead, to start anew, to claim my destiny.
Many other Pokemon played key supportive roles in our journey. I would like to thank
!!TNEPRES the Arbok for always being there just in case, and Wet Dragon the red Gyarados and Big Bird the Fearow for being our boat and plane, respectively.
And now, a moment of silence for the many, many, many brave heroes who gave their lives to make this possible.
Clefable the Togepi
Dragon the Dratini
Crustacean the Krabby
Scyther the Ledian
Bird the Pidgeotto
Fungus the Paras
Goldfish the Goldeen
Spikything the Nidorino
Omastar the Corsola
Tauros the Stantler
Lil Dragon the Dragonair
Rock the Graveler
and especially,
Venusaur the Bayleef
it was all for you, man.
Tadpole the Poliwhirl was, honestly, an accident. So many friends lost on the way, the sixth slot in my party was like a morbid speed date of wide-eyed newbies, doomed to be torn apart before they would ever know the glory of a gym victory. I caught ol' Tadpole after getting my eighth badge, knowing that someone would have to fill out my party. It was a good choice; with Belly Drum, Earthquake and Wake Up Slap, he knew how to put those goofy fists to use.
Pokeythang the Nidoqueen was tactical dynamite. Opening most fights with a double round of Toxic Spikes, and sporting defense out the wazoo, she was sure start every battle in our favor. A gentle giant, attacking wasn't her main dig, but with Crunch, Avalanche and Earth Power, she could wield an outrageous variety of typed attacks that ain't nobody gonna see coming. With her immunity to poison, she was instrumental in our victory against Koga. It's just a tragedy that Spikeything the Nidorino couldn't be there to see her succeed :(

Meet Raticate the Furret. Strategically named to throw his enemies off balance, she was the quick-striking, finishing-offing, speed demon of the bunch. Sucker Punch and U-Turn helped her avoid damage while Shadow Claw, along with her immunity to ghost attacks, made her the ultimate ghost killer. She was also a master of Attraction and espionage. Though her overbearing swagger made it hard for the rest of the team to deal with at times, having her in the fight made everyone feel that much safer.
Horse the Rapidash joined the party fairly late in the game, but with the speed and power of a falling piano and the killer instinct of a falling piano, he exceeded all expectations. Megahorn was crucial in defeating Will's psychic Pokemon, and strong fire and normal attacks made Horse an important asset in nearly every battle.
Vileplume the Jumpluff was so helpful, you guys. Though she may look like a cottonball, her light squishiness actually made her remarkably resilient. Sleep powder and leech seed paired well with U-turn, making her another excellent hit-and-run fighter. Paired with Raticate, these girls could tag-team just about anyone slower then them... which was everyone. Giga Drain helped her stay ship-shape throughout the battles. Grass/Flying is resistant to a surprising number of types - she was super useful in taking on Bruno's fighting and rock types, and none of the elite 4 could really handle her antics. Don't let anyone talk smack on Jumpluff, yall.
The death of Venusaur the Bayleef was very hard on me. We weren't sure we could go on. I had a few Pokemon that I was excited about, but none of them felt like a true partner. None of them really understood me. I didn't just need a warrior; I needed a friend. Then came Raichu the Ampharos like Gandalf over the hills to Helm's Deep. A quirky little guy, he fought a balanced fight, casting Light Screen to protect the party while putting his tremendous sp. attack to use with moves like Discharge, Focus Blast and Signal Beam. His staticy body stopped many an assailant in their tracks. He was proud of his power, and I was too. Thank you Bulbasaur for giving me the hope I so desperately needed to forge ahead, to start anew, to claim my destiny.
Many other Pokemon played key supportive roles in our journey. I would like to thank
!!TNEPRES the Arbok for always being there just in case, and Wet Dragon the red Gyarados and Big Bird the Fearow for being our boat and plane, respectively.
And now, a moment of silence for the many, many, many brave heroes who gave their lives to make this possible.
Clefable the Togepi
Dragon the Dratini
Crustacean the Krabby
Scyther the Ledian
Bird the Pidgeotto
Fungus the Paras
Goldfish the Goldeen
Spikything the Nidorino
Omastar the Corsola
Tauros the Stantler
Lil Dragon the Dragonair
Rock the Graveler
and especially,
Venusaur the Bayleef
it was all for you, man.
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