After a brief sojourn into the wilderness to mourn for Hey Man the Dewott, we decided to do what he would've wanted: kill Pokemon until we burned out.
We caught Yo the Petilil and And How the Solosis in preperation to destroy Elesa. Yo died from the first attack that hit it. She didn't have the gumption, man. But And How was brilliant. With Psyshock and a Dark Hidden Power, she had some versatile attacks, and some beefy offensive stats to make those attacks hella formidable. Charm and Light Screen made her a great defensive player for the whole party too. We swept through the preliminary trainers without a problem, but Elesa, she was a problem. And How kept the foes at bay with her Light Screen, but they were hitting her too hard; she was hardly able to get a Psyshock in. Soon the dreaded critical hit happened, and And How was gone. Whoa There the Magnemite tried to swoop in and sonicboom them to death, but its resistance to Electric attacks wasn't enough to keep it in play. Whoa there fell. What's Up the Darumaka became an unlikely hero in this fight, flexing through the zaps and Fire Punching and Rock Tombing through Elesa's Pokemon to win us a bitter, tenuous victory.
We moved on, just What's Up, Aw Geez and me. It was a dismal trek to Driftveil City. Aw Geez and What's Up were more than a match for the resistance we encountered, but their hearts weren't in it. But our spirits were lifted with a new addition to the party in the form of N's Zorua, which was given to us by former team Plasma doods. We were all a little suspicious of it for not being a wild catch - did it even know about the Nuzlocke Challenge? But it was so cute and snuggly that we warmed up to it in a jiff.
We trained and fought Clay the next day. Two of my fighters had evolved and we felt great. Zoroark trampled the warm-up trainers effortlessly, and our fight with clay looked to be the same. His Krokorok had no idea that he was even fighting another Dark-type as Zoroark disembowled it with some highly assertive Snarls. His Sandslash was even easier. But his Excadrill... its resistance to Zoroark's displays of aggression was pretty spooky, so we switched to Aw Geez, but even fully evolved, she couldn't handle more than one Rock Slide. Neither could What's Up. Unable to damage it more than slightly, Zoroark fell last.
The brave fallen:
We will fight again. Mark my words, friends. White 2 hasn't seen the last of me.
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