Agnes the Venomoth
Level 54
Sleep Powder
Mega Drain
Hella Jeff the Snorlax
Level 54
Julio the Kadabra
Level 54
Seismic Toss
Thunder Wave
Double Team
Jiminy the Venusaur
Level 56
Razor Leaf
Double Team
Leech Seed
Ashley the Nidoqueen
Level 48
Fire Blast
Sam the Pidgeot
Level 37
Sand Attack
Quick Attack
Razor Wind
Lorelei started our Elite Four challenge by sending out her level 54 Dewgong, which, due to its liberal use of Rest, was suprisingly resilient. After Agnes put it to sleep and Hella Jeff tried unsuccessfully to Body Slam it to pieces, we risked the ice weakness and sent out Jiminy, who succeeded marvelously due to Razor Leaf and a few Double Teams, plus Leech Seed, just for fun. He dispatched the Cloyster and the Slowbro in the same way. When Lorelei sent out her Jynx, I decided that without the type advantage, Jiminy was too much at risk, so I sent my usual psychic hunter, Julio. I quickly wished I hadn't, though, because the Jynx started thrashing. One thrash took Julio's HP down from 127 to 86. Mathematically, I figured we could take a critical hit from another thrash and be alright, so I elected for a Thunder Wave before healing up. Critical hit. Julio was dead. I cradled his big goofy head in my arms as my tears soaked his ridiculous mustache, saying I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry. I should have known. After what happened with Blaine... I should have known.
Hella Jeff swooped in to the rescue, Body Slamming the Jynx into oblivion with the help of his magnificent girth and surprisingly agile haunches. But he wasn't ready for Lorelei's Lapras, who, after some deceptively ineffective Body Slams of its own, started to seriously bog Jeff down with repeated critical hits of Blizzard and Hydro Pump. Between healing and some risky attacks, we finally made use of what would prove to be Jeff's trump card: Amnesia. In Gen 1, "Special" is attack and defense, so effectively, the move sharply increases both of those. Golly. In a couple moves, these huge attacks were barely scratching Jeff, and he brought us to a decisive victory.
After collecting the spois, Agnes and I were sitting on the edge of the ice block, mourning Julio.
Agnes, I said, you know what this means, don't you?
Agnes twitched her antennae.
You're our psychic now. You need to make Julio proud.
But I'm not as fast, and I'm weak against psychic attacks, she twitched.
I know, I said. I hugged her. I know.
Jiminy killed all of Bruno's Pokemon without batting an eye.
Then came the battle that could be thought of as AGNES VS AGATHA, in which Agatha's mix of Poison and Ghost/Poison pokemon all met the same end: Agnes' Psychic. Agnes had become what she thought she couldn't, friends. Agnes, the bug/poison, was a psychic powerhouse. The world stood still.
Who better to face a butt ton of dragon pokemon? After a brief experiment with Jiminy, it was Hella Jeff. See, a Snorlax with maxed special stats can basically take any attack, from all of their various Blizzards and Thunders and whatever dumb crap they were throwing at him to the immense (physical) Hyper Beams, and Hella Jeff had the kills to kill 'em all. And he did.
So there it was. I had become... the Pokemon Cha-- WHAT? NURPLES HAS COME BEFORE ME??
It was time to kill my rival's pokemon. Again.
Honestly, with the supremacy that my core 3 members displayed in the Elite Four challenge (did you notice that I never used my backups?), it wasn't too hard, except for when Nurples sent out that huge Alakazam he has. See, ordinarily, Julio would have no problem with that sleazebag, but he was gone, and Agnes would have crumpled under his psychics. Jiminy and Ashley also had type weakness. So I did what any self-respecting trainer would do -- I sent out my vastly underleveled Pidgeot.
Sam immediately took a Psybeam to the face, but survived with a few points of health in his health tank. He responded by Sand Attacking the bejeezus out of the nasty beasts, who, obviously intimidated by Sam's show of confidence, responded by using Recover with full health and failing to use Kinesis to lower Sam's accuracy. Two Sand Attacks later, Hella Jeff was back, and he was sitting on top of the Alakazam's goopy carcass.
Friends, we won. We won the Yellow Nuzlocke. The last battles were hard fought, but we prepared and it paid off. In retrospect, I might have grinded another level or so before each gym instead of saving it all for the end, but I sure wasn't overleveled at any point, so I'm pretty happy with out it went. Here's my party.

RIP: (brb on this)
Thank you for your support, friends.
1. I love that your venusaur has double-team.
ReplyDelete2. They don't have a move deleter in gen 1 do they?
3. I hadnt thought about how amnesia essentially increases special defense and attack. Hella jeff could have done some serious damage with surf.
congrats paul!