Guys, for the last couple days, everything has gone well.
Like, really well.
First I tried fishing on a new route and ended up with a Magikarp. Not the most auspicious sign, but hey, everyone likes a Gyarados. I named him Kagimarp and proceeded to train him up until he became the overpowered beast that he currently is. I say overpowered because at this point, with levels in the mid-20s, his stats are just blowing noobs out of the water. Top it all off with Intimidate to soften noobs' punches, and we've got a nigh indestructible killing machine. For now, at least.
This island has three captains. At this point I'd beaten the Water and Fire captains, taking small but painful losses with each battle. So you can see why I was nervous about fighting the Grass captain. Aoife and Struan, my two main brawlers, would both have type advantages, but they would also be painful to lose.
I led the fight with Struan, and she led the fight with a grass Z-move that hit him right in the face. Somehow he tanked it, his health dipping worryingly into the red and probably sentencing me to heart problems in my elder years, but he survived. I healed up and hoped that was the hardest punch she could throw.
It was. Struan soloed the grass capt.
I caught a Morelull in the forest and named it Snusan. She's a Grass/Fairy type with incapacitating moves like Confuse Ray and Sleep Powder, which are great to have around. Plus, she's immune to Dragon attacks. But I already have a Grass type in the party, so I'm keeping Snusan around for now but still considering her a B-Team Pokemon, replaceable if I catch a Poke that better fits the party's needs.
There's a Pokemon center on the island where some scrub can't decide what she wants to evolve her Poliwhirl into, so she offers to trade it for a Zubat. I have a Zubat. Of course I would take that trade. Of course. Whirly the Poliwhirl is another B-Team Poke for sure, given that I have this rad Gyarados, but it'll be a good backup to have around, especially since I can shoose between two evolution options to fit my future needs.
After some dicking around and plot stuff, some battles against the endlessly lovable and endearing Team Skull, I went to fight the island's Kahuna, a sultry island babe with Rock Pokemon named Olivia. With solid Grass and Water Pokemon on the B team, I temporarily boxed Aoife and went in with a particularly rock-focused party. I know these Z Moves are a huge threat in Nuzlocke, so I started out with Snusan, who had now evolved into a Shiinotic. She can incapacitate anything pretty quickly with Sleep Powder, and, sadly, I wouldn't be too heartbroken if I lost her.
This fight wasn't as easy as the last. First Snusan faced off against a Nosepass. The thing was barely able to hurt her, but it was super tanky and annoying with its Thunder Wave and Rock Slide (for flinching) strategy. Olivia used a Super Potion, and so did I. But we won.
Then she sent out a Boldore, and Snusan Mega Drained it up like it was friggin groundwater.
Her final Pokemon was Lycanroc, this crazy scary rock werewolf thing that hit Snusan with a Z move right off the bat. Note to self - bring Protect on these battles, because they sure like leading off with those one-shot Z attacks. Snusan took the hit, but she wasn't going to survive another, so I switched to the right guy for the job - Macho. Macho took a Rock Throw and responded with Low Sweep, which took Lycanroc's speed down enough for Macho to outspeed him and land the finishing blow.
That's two boss battles and no losses, guys. Can I keep up this pace? Have I become a Pokemon Master? Is this what it feels like to be the very best??
Struan the Torracat
-Our bond seems to be maxed out, and now he randomly avoids moves and gives me emotional feedback. It's amazing. He is so close to my heart.

Aoife the Trumbeak
-She's the lowest level now after her brief hiatus to train the B Team, but now she's back in action and as bloodthirsty as ever
Macho the Machoke
-Kills rocks
-Freshly evolved after killing that big dumb rock
-The beefiest thing on the team
Bouncee the Steenee
-Barely needed her this time
-Razor leaf was great for killing swarms of wild pokes in the Diglett Cave (yes, there's another one of those)
-Is still literally an anime character
Kagimarp the Gyarados
-Strikes fear into everything
-Has a nice type spread
Snusan the Shiinotic
-Looks kind of stupid. Let's be real here.
-Proved her mettle in the last big fight, but is still on the B team because Steenee isn't going anywhere
-Fairy type is so nice though. So I'm keeping her around.
-But there will never be anyone, anywhere, ever, who says Shiinotic is their favorite Pokemon
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