Here's what has happened though.
Remember that Ghost trial Joe was writing about, where the Mimikyu is all spooky and stuff? Yeah, Slamuel rocked every ghost in the whole area, and the Mimikyu was no exception. With his ghost immunity and newly learned Sucker Punch, and Yawn and U-Turn for when his usefullness ran out, he was a ghost killing machine. Aoife, also immune to Ghost attacks, was the backup plan, and I hardly needed her.
I caught a Skarmory on my way there, and on the way out I caught a Klefki. Steel types are great to have for tanking, and I had space in my party, so I let Chastity the Klefki join the A-Team. As a Fairy/Steel Pokemon, she's immunte to Dragon and Fairy and only weak against Fire and Ground, if I'm remembering right.
Eventually I made my way to that dumb town that Team Skull took over like big jerks. I had a lot of nice fights, but against Team Skull Boss Guzma my luck finally faltered. He led off again with his water/bug behemoth, Golisopod, who led off with a terrifying Swords Dance. In a Nuzlocke, you never really want to see that happen. The best strategies can only do so much against a fast foe with huge attack power. Without anyone I could confidently tank with, I let Slamuel do his disarming thing for a bit, dropping a Yawn and preparing to U-Turn, when the Golisopod one-shotted him and he was dead. RIP, Slamuel the really cool, perpetually asleep koala who hit like a hammer. Or a slammer.
A bunch of plot stuff has since happened, including a big series of boss-type battles on the approach to and arrival on the Aether Island - the grumpy rival, the Dark-type Kahuna, the Aether Corp miniboss. Then I fought Guzma a third time and rolled him this time with Aiofe. Then Lusamine, the Aether Corp leader, took me on. Joe's mentioned that her team is basically themed around classy-looking Pokemon rather than any specific type, but I was able to take her down without any losses. The only close call was her Liligant's Petal Dance taking Kagimarp down to 2 hp. Woof.
This week I've been exploring the fourth island pretty uneventfully. For now I've filled the last spot in my party with a Gastrodon named Jason Bourne, his Ground/Water typing filling the last scary gap in my party's type coverage - finally I have someone to send out against Electric pokes, and his Special Defense might be the highest in my party. I'd still rather be using another Gen 7 Pokemon, but Jason Bourne will do for now.
New Catches from the last several routes:
Scarsdale the Skarmory
Bleric the Aerodactyl (a giveaway in the fourth island's first town)
Woodbert the Exeggutor (Alolan form, definitely might add him to the party with his hilarious height and Grass/Dragon/Psychic attack coverage)
Pickles the Pinsir (first one caught in the Pokemon Pelago minigame - giving myself one catch from there)
Slope the Slowpoke
Fabsol the Absol
Pasta the Torkoal
and, of course, Chastity the Klefki.
Struan the Incineroar
-Every time I send him out I imagine him singing a Disney-style "Mwahaha, I'm the villain!" song
Aoife Toucannon
-Did a little move reshuffle; she now has Steel Wing, Drill Peck, Beak Blast, and Roost. She roolz.
Macho the Machamp
-Just learned Stone Edge, the first move that will benefit from No Guard's 100% accuracy guarantee. Cannot wait for Dynamic Punch.
Kagimarp the Gyarados
-Just learned Dragon Dance, making him utterly unstoppable. I hope.
Chastity the Klefki
-Prankster ability means her Thunder Wave is a priority move, so she's an amazing leadoff poke
-Flash Cannon and Foul Play hit hard, and Light Screen helps my whole team's Sp Def issues
Jason Bourne the Gastrodon
-He's just a beefy bruiser with balanced stats (but no speed), hitting with Sludge Wave, Muddy Water, and Body Slam
-Storm Drain means he absorbs water moves, so he's fun to send out when I can anticipate those
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