Monday, November 21, 2016

Giveth and Taketh Away

Akala Island is aight. There's a little port town and a wild west town and at several routes - lots of opportunities to add to my party. And I DID JUST THAT.

The first new arrival was caught in a little muddy area by a ranch, Freddy the Mudbray. He's a good kid. He's a ground-type donkey with good physical attack, but what really makes him cool is his ability. It's called Stamina, and what it does is it raises his defense one stage every time he gets hit with an attack. For real. That means in a straightforward brawl, he's getting a free defense boost every turn. Imagine, the most cartoonish of circumstances - I switch him in when an opponent uses fury attack or doubleslap. It hits and triggers Stamina five times. Mudbray's defense is now at 350%. That is awesome.

Oh! Before that I caught a Lilipup. Yeah, I was a bit disappointed with the catch - they're cool, and they evolve well, but they're still just common normal-types. Lucky for me, the next Pokemon Center after I caught Freddy had a trainer offering to trade for a Lilipup! HOLLER. And so I traded Pupper the Lilipup for Bouncee the Bounsweet, a fast, physical-attacking grass-type with decent stats. Hooray! I'll miss little Winnifred and her sweet Leech Seed and Sleep Powder, but now I've got a new-gen grass Poke to fill her role.

The final addition to the team came right on the next route, with Tobiatha the Grubbin. I wasn't sure if she would evolve into anything cool, but she was pretty dope to begin with - a special-attacking grub with two big tusky things and a really balanced move pool - electric, dark, and bug attacks.

I was training her up at the front of my party for a while. We went through some cool story stuff that I won't spoil here, and everything was going really smoothly. My party was now 5 gen-7 pokemon and my little Machop, with Delbert and Bronda thrown in the box and Freddy, with his Stamina, assuming Cleopatra's role as physical tank.

I also had a chance to catch a Psyduck, but it called for help and I got annoyed and switched to Bouncee to Razor Leaf them both at once. Now they are dead.

A captain (the minor gym leaders) gave me the ability to call a Lapras to go over water. This was now my third summonable, rideable pokemon, and it finally dawned on me: This generation has done away with HM moves. NO MORE HM MULES IN THE PARTY! NO MORE UNDELETABLE MOVES! Let's all have a moment of bliss. Hooray.

Anyway, so, we were surfing around as part of this captain's trial, looking for the totem pokemon to kill. She had me wreck a few Wishiwashis. They're a little fishy fish, nothing to worry about. Tobiatha's Charge Beam and Spark took them all out handily, and she was finally catching up in levels - my whole party otherwise was at lvl 20 at this point.

Then came the totem pokemon. It was another Wishiwashi, a huge one. I'm talking like Wailord huge. Wow! It was huge. At level 18, Tobiatha was ready. No elemental weaknesses, full health. She Mud-Slapped the totem for the accuracy debuff, and then... took a Water Gun to the face. Full health... zero health. Brave, sweet Tobiatha was no more.

The Wishiwashi summoned a buddy for health, but Bouncee was ready for it, hitting them both simultaneously with super-effective Razor Leafs. But they were dropping her attack fast - I think with Growl - and I wasn't sure we'd get the KO before her attack got pitiful. And if Bouncee fell, I'd just have four pokemon left, three of which are weak to water. It wouild be a team KO in the making. So I did something I'm not sure I've ever done before. I used... a Dire Hit.

Razor Leaf already has a high crit chance, so with the extra % buff from Dire Hit, we were getting crits almost every time, overcoming the attack debuff and winning us the battle. Phew. So I'm one more Z Move, one more defeated captain, and one more loss. My party's come out ahead, more diverse and interesting than it was yesterday, but it hasn't been easy. Too many close calls for comfort. We're not comfortably ahead of the difficulty curve by any means, yall.

Image result for grubbin


Image result for torracat
Struan the Torracat
-Still the best
-King of the jungle
-Barely needed him today, with all the watery pokes afoot

Aoife the Trumbeak
-I always feel safe knowing she's with me

Cleopatra the Roggenrolla
-Left the lineup, then returned after Tobiatha's demise
-Still not too attached to her, but being able to Rock Blast birds feels nice.
-Her only sensory organ is an ear

Macho the Machop
-Feels like the weakest link here in terms of defense, but he's still got that boosted exp and lots of potential
-Did I mention his ability is No Guard? That'll be fun later.

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Freddy the Mudbray
-Stamina makes him totally unique. I'm really excited about him
-He's quick enough that he gets flinches with Stomp often, and Bulldoze slows his foes down when he's outpaced
-He looks like a doof

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Bouncee the Steenee
-She evolved shortly after the trade! She's a champ. MVP today.
-Razor Leaf, Magical Leaf, Rapid Spin, Protect. She's practically competitive.
-She likes to thrash about


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