Our hero's name is Habberdash, known by his friends affectionately as "The General" (thats a thing now, you have 5 other "rivals" and you pick a nickname they give you separate from your actual name). His journey starts off in a pretty standard manner, he's given a pokemon and a pokedex and takes his first steps towards total league domination or horrible tragedy. But who is his starter?
Anyway, standard start, fetch quest, blah blah blah, ok first catch time! whats it going to be? Some new-fangled fairy type? bidoof 2.0? Nope! its a pidgey. Not the most exciting start, but a solid dude nonetheless. Welcome to the team, Magpie.
Magpie and Colby are quickly joined by Cornroll the Bunnelby and Fetch the Fletchling. Fetch is another normal/flying type so she's a little redundant now but I think she evolves into something cool. I'm going to make Fetch happen.
So far so good! I mosey up to the first gym, feeling pretty good about my chances. The spider web decor suggests its bug type. I have two flyers, sweet. I sweep through the trainers without any snags, but when I try to leave to heal up before facing the leader I start to grow concerned. I entered the gym by firefighter pole, which is cool and all, but I can't leave that way. My fears are soon confirmed; you CANNOT leave the gym once you enter without first defeating the gym leader. This is a nuzlocke nightmare. I was not prepared for this. I had burned literally all of my money on pokeballs to get that sweet bonus premier ball, but fortunately I'd found a couple potions and I was able to heal up and brute type-advantage my way through the leader, at which point I'm allowed to leave. I'll need to be much more careful in the future. So far so good though! Fun fact, I havent actually met this gen's professor yet. I think he's in the next town. See you next time, on Joe's Xlocke Adventure! *theme music*
Badges: 1
Deaths: 0
JOE! This is so noble of you, going blind. I'm excited to see where this goes. Too bad there aren't gen 6 trainer card generators yet.
ReplyDeleteAlso /r/nuzlocke