Monday, October 28, 2013

Paul's Yellow Nuzlocke: Glory Days and a Bitter Twist

We did a lot, my team and I. After clearing out Silph Co. and the Fighting Dojo, we took on Sabrina's psychic gym. Little did I know that, apparently, you're supposed to beat Koga first and come back -- a fact that I realized when my Pokemon, all in the mid 30s levelwise, faced Sabrina's Abra, Kadabra, and Alakazam, all of whom were level 50. There was no backing out at this point, so I stuck to the plan. My Kadabra, Julio, essentially a weaker version of her two Pokemon that actually had attacking moves, had a secret weapon: Seismic Toss. The move does a constant damage regardless of stats and typing. Combined with Thunder Wave and Julio's resistance to their psychic attacks, we were able to take Sabrina down and claim our badge without losses, although Julio's health got below 10 after a nasty critical hit.

The other time I  took the Nuzlocke in Gen 1 (via Leaf Green) my party suffered some serious losses on their way to this badge, and Sabrina finished them off. Now I was venturing forth into new territory.

Koga was easy, but one of his stupid lackeys with a super overleveld Hypno killed my Elsie the Fearow. I don't want to talk about it.

 I trained up Damon the Lapras on the bike route and the land route to Fuschia city, taking tons of trainers down in the process. Acquiring Surf, we traveled through the Seafoam Islands to Cinnabar Island, taking a little detour to the power plant to train up Judson the Aerodacyl. Damon was key in taking out Zapdos and Articuno without losses -- each a close fight that I would have been wiser to avoid, but proving that this Lapras does indeed have what it takes to be a champion. So, after training up a little more in the abandoned whatever, my level-40 team was ready to fight Blaine.

A note on Yellow version: earlier, I mentioned that it seemed like an easier game to nuzlocke. You get free starters, man. What could be better than a guarantee of extremely solid fire, water, and grass types? Well, it comes at a cost. The gym leaders, especially from Lt. Surge onward, have only a few pokemon, but their levels are massive -- way, way ahead of the trainers leading up to them, always a nasty surprise.

Blaine's Ninetales was tricksy, but we took him down. Damon can take the fire attacks and has Surf (as well as Ice Beam and Body Slam). Honestly, I thought we had this match in the bag with a guy like that. The Rapidash went down just as predictably, but his last Pokemon, his Arcanine, was not so easy. Here's what happened. Damon, having his max HP of 168, surfs him, doing significant damage, but not yellow-territory. The Arcanine uses take down, bringing Damon's health to about 115. We repeat the process and Blaine scores a critical hit. I figured it would do about double damage, about 100, and we'd sneak by with a few HP, but, defying all of my previous understanding of critical hits, Damon went down. I panicked. None of my Pokemon would be able to deliver a solid knockout blow at this point, probably not even Julio with his speedy Psychic attack. I figured Buzz the Nidorino, at least, could take a take down... but he couldn't take a Fire Blast. He got the Arcanine into the red, but it was Buzz's last attack. Ever.

Julio swooped in with a speedy Seismic Toss for the guaranteed K.O. and we won, but it was a battle hard fought. Two team members lost, including my oldest buddy and my most versatile butt kicker. I did happen two have two boxed pokemon with good prospects to fill the gap. Everyone, meet Hella Jeff the Snorlax (currently lvl 34 with Body Slam, Amnesia, Counter and Surf) and Jiminy the Ivysaur (lvl 29, with Vine Whip, Poisonpowder, Leech Seed, and Cut). With a little training, I think we'll be just fine. It's hard losing the Ice Beamer I planned to rock Blaine with, and for the rest of my life I'll be asking myself what would have happened if I'd evolved Buzz before the fight, but dwelling on those things won't help me to be

the best

and i want

to be




Badges: 7
Deaths: 7 (Barnaby, Petekachu, Wayne, Elsie, Pancho, Damon, Buzz)

BWAHAHAHAHAHA I CAN EDIT PAUL'S POSTS! I pick my butt, whoever I am!


  1. I am sorry for your loss, Paul. Ask prof. Oak for a hypnobeam and maybe your shiny wheaselhoff will come through in the clutch.

    Is that how this is supposed to work?

  2. Dang. Those level jumps do me in, too.
    Arcanine being Arcanine. Sorry for your losses, Paul.
