The battle ends up being a 1v1 between her lucario (that she didnt use in the gym battle, thankfully) and another one that she GIVES me. Straight up gives me a Lucario! Welcome to the team, Woofy! (At this point, I cannot stress enough that Lizzy is helping me name my team). Any way, Mega evolution. Mega evolution is about the most digimon thing that the pokemon series has ever done. Its essentially a temporary evolution that lasts to the end of the battle. You activate it the same turn you attack and your pokemon changes. The pokemon's stats increase, sometimes their ability changes, and it looks really BA. In order to do it, you need a key item inventory (which was given to me by the gym leader) and the pokemon needs to be holding a species specific item. Fortunetely for me, Woofy was holding Lucarioite, which allowed him to do it.
Here's a before and after of Woofy mega evolving.
Another Bonus, Smithers came with Blastoisenite when the Professor gave him to me.
Ohohohohoho. We're bringing the hurt now.
So we're feeling pretty good now and we set off down the next route. A quick check of the town map tells me that the next gym is in the very next town, only one route away with no caves or any nonsense in the way. This is a welcome change as all the gyms so far have been 2-3 towns apart. The downside is that I already facechecked this route before the last gym to catch Qwop :...( So no new catch for me.
The route went quickly enough without incident and before I knew it, I was at the next gym. I found out the 4th gym was Grass type. How pleasently gen 1. Once again, no type advantage, but Woofy and Grumble both resist grass attacks (the fairy typing is really growing on me). So, lots of slugfests abound.
The beginning actually went smoother than anticipated, Woofy had crazy high attack and a new move called power up punch that increased it further every time he used it. I was at the second to last gym trainer when disaster struck. Woofy was paralyzed but had 4 boosts in his attack and was happily mowing away at the competition. When the enemy exeggutor used confusion I wasn't phased at all. When Lucario became confused before he had a chance to attack I was mildly concerned. It wasn't until I realized his suped up attack would make his fist punch through his own torso like the chest-burster from Alien that I began literally yelling at my DS. Woofy wiped out more than half of his own health to KO himself and I sobbed uncontrollably. Woofy, we hardly new ye...
The rest of the gym was uneventful. The leader couldnt hurt Grumble or Colby, so there weren't any particularly exciting moments. We set off again, our temporary elation thuroughly squashed. This has been one of the heart wrenching nuzlockes I've done.
To wrap up, we added Gullby the underleveled wingull to the team. it will be nice to have a flyer on the team again.
Badges: 4
deaths: 7
NOOOoooo. WOOOFFYYYY! I can't believe that. I'm hurting for you.
ReplyDelete"The downside is that I already facechecked this route before the last gym..." Love it. Facecheck.
I'm literally facechecking the brush! I dont know why I never thought to call it that
Poor Woofy. Also, I can't come to terms with the word "Lucarioite." Don't they have creative people working at Game Freak? COME ON.